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Update 10/29/2014
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13.3 - Clean Water


(Obj. 13.3: Discuss costs, limitations, and benefits of possible interventions for global health issues.) Students will demonstrate an understanding of the global clean water crisis upon completion of this lesson. Students will begin by grappling with some statistics, identifying causes and effects of unclean water. Next they will reflect upon their level of awareness and power (or perceived powerlessness) to address this global health issue. Finally, they will engage in a “roundtable” discussion where they will bring some basic background research on a particular clean water related topic to the conversation.

Aligned Standards

Major Standards

  • Understand the effects of healthy living on individuals and their future generations (e.g., not using alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs during pregnancy).

Supporting Standards

Additional Standards

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13.1 - Intro to Global Health

(Obj. 13.1: Discuss the problem of global health disparities.) Students...

13.2 - Parasitic Infections

(Obj. 13.2: Identify the types and characteristics of common parasitic i...

13.3 - Clean Water

(Obj. 13.3: Discuss costs, limitations, and benefits of possible interve...

13.4 - Hunger & Malnutrition

(Obj. 13.4: Identify risk factors and effects of hunger and malnutrition...

13.5 - Global Poverty

(Obj. 13.5: Describe the burdens on health caused by global poverty.) St...

13.6 - HIV/AIDS, TB, & Malaria

(Obj. 13.6: Use data to support a global health priority.) This lesson w...

13.7 - Maternal & Child Health

(Obj. 13.7: Explain the risk factors and causes for maternal and child h...

13.8 - Oral Presentation Skills

(Obj. 13.8: Communicate orally in a clear, compelling, and professional ...

13.9 - Case Study (Global Health)

Global health disparities are of such great magnitude that the problems ...

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