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Update 10/29/2014
The Health Science curriculum is now complete on IOER.

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6.10 - Patient Case (Heart Disease)


Hattie is a 68-year old retiree living in a rural community. She has been experiencing some minor chest pain and other symptoms for a few days, but she has gotten used to little aches and pains coming and going in her older age so she doesn’t get too worried. When her chest pain worsens, she reluctantly agrees to make the 30-minute trip to the doctor upon her husband’s prodding.

Aligned Standards

Major Standards

  • Explain immediate and long-term impacts of health decisions to the individual, family and community.

Supporting Standards

Additional Standards

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M6 Rural Health - Assessment Item Banks and Key

M6 Rural Health - Assessment Item Banks and Key

6.1 - Intro to Rural Health

This lesson will engage students in thinking about what rural health is,...

6.2 - Access, Quality & Cost

This lesson will get students engaged in examining and debating difficul...

6.3 - Rural Poverty

Students will calculate their estimated daily cost of living and learn a...

6.4 - Chronic Disease

This lesson will give students an opportunity to work cooperatively in a...

6.5 - Preventable Injuries

Students will work in teams to create an intervention to reduce injuries...

6.6 - Migrant Worker Health

This reading-heavy lesson will expose students to a unique new perspecti...

6.7 - Mental Health

Students will explore mental health from a rural health perspective by c...

6.8 - Telemedicine

Students will examine the changing role of technology on healthcare with...

6.9 - OPQRST

Students will engage in more focused learning to continue to their study...

6.10 - Patient Case (Heart Disease)

Hattie is a 68-year old retiree living in a rural community. She has bee...

6.11 - Survey Design

Students will be introduced to basic survey design and have an opportuni...

6.12 - Telemedicine & Mental Health Case (Population)

OVERVIEW: Twenty percent of non-metropolitan counties lack mental heal...

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