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Update 10/29/2014
The Health Science curriculum is now complete on IOER.

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8.10 - Tech & Health


This lesson will engage students in contemplation about the role of the Internet in health and its potential as a future health tool. Students will begin by deciding which technologies they believe health professionals should engage in. Then they will read a summary of the Pew study on Internet and Health, responding to reflection questions as they go. Finally, they will combine the information they learned with their own ideas about the role of healthcare providers online and the use of the Internet in patient’s quest to improve health.

Aligned Standards

Major Standards

  • Evaluate the impact of technology on personal, family, and community health.

Supporting Standards

Additional Standards

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M8 Pharmacy - Assessments

M8 Pharmacy - Assessments

8.1 - Intro to Pharmacy

This lesson will give students a taste of pharmacy through engaging lea...

8.2 - Pharmacy Settings

This lesson exposes students to the variety of possible work settings t...

8.3 - Types of Meds

Students will engage in an analysis of the classifications of medicines ...

8.4 - Prescription Painkiller Abuse

This lesson will challenge students to explore a crisis in our country-...

8.5 - Pharmacy Ethics

This lesson will challenge students to consider the intricacies of the ...

8.6 - Cultural Competency

Students will learn how important communication and cultural competency...

8.7 - Medication Adherence

In this lesson, students will tackle two related, but complex topics--h...

8.8 - Teach Back Method

This lesson will expose students to the teach-back method, a strategy s...

8.9 - Asthma Case Study (Patient)

Briana, a fourteen-year-old African American female, was recently diagno...

8.10 - Tech & Health

This lesson will engage students in contemplation about the role of the...

8.11 - Community Pharmacy Case Study (Population)

You just started your pharmacy school and the Dean has challenged your c...

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