HSLE - Health Science Curriculum

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9.3 - 1918 Flu


(Obj. 9.3: Communicate information to the public regarding prevention of a serious infectious disease epidemic. ) This lesson will help students delve deeper into one particular devastating pandemic in our recent history--the 1918 flu. Students will begin with a gripping graph showing how the 1918 flu affected young, healthy adults disproportionately (unlike other influenza pandemics). Then students will read a comprehensive overview of the 1918 flu. Finally, they will team up to create a news segment about the 1918 flu.

Aligned Standards

Major Standards

  • Adapt health messages and communication techniques to a specific target audience.

Supporting Standards

Additional Standards

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M9 Epidemiology - Assessments

M9 Epidemiology - Assessments

9.1 - Cholera & John Snow

(Obj. 9.1: Identify the scientific thinking John Snow used to identify t...

9.2 - History of Epidemics

(Obj. 9.2: Identify factors shaping historical epidemics & explain their...

9.3 - 1918 Flu

(Obj. 9.3: Communicate information to the public regarding prevention of...

9.4 - Epidemiology

(Obj. 9.4: Identify the roles of an epidemiologist.) This lesson will i...

9.5 - Types of Epidemiological Studies

(Obj. 9.5: Compare & contrast different types of epidemiological studies...

9.6 - Causation vs. Correlation

(Obj. 9.6: Differentiate a causative and correlative relationship betwe...

9.7 - Exposures & Outcomes

(Obj. 9.7: Identify epidemiological questions by identifying outcomes an...

9.8 - Relative Risk

(Obj. 9.8: Quantify the relationship between two variables using relativ...

9.9 - Foodborne Illness Case Study

(Obj. 9.9: Perform a relative risk calculation in order to provide evide...

9.10 - Conclusions

(Obj. 9.10: Use the Claim-Evidence-Warrant framework to make a conclusio...

9.11 - Lyme Disease Case Study (Population)

(Obj. 9.11: Apply relative risk analysis to make public health recommend...

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