IOER Metadata and Vocabularies

Last Updated 10/29/2015

IOER Metadata is based on:

  • Learning Resource Metadata Initiative (LRMI) schema version 1.1
  • The LRMI 1.0 was adopted by (SCH).
  • Additional metadata has been introduced and potential exists for additional needs to be added over time. LRMI seeks to have SCH adopt any new schema.
  • Learning Registry (LR)
  • NSDL Learning Application Readiness (LAR)
  • Vocabulary used by IOER mirrors that of the federal Common Education Data Standards (CEDS)
  • Race to the Top State Support (RttT)
Resource URL
URL-formatted text.
Learning Standards
Dot-notation identifying a particular Standard or group of Standards.
The Resource teaches this Standard.
The Resource assesses this Standard.
The Resource requires the user to know this Standard.

Date Created
Date-formatted text.
Technical/Equipment Requirements
Access Rights
Free Access
The right to view and/or download material without financial, registration, or excessive advertising barriers.
Free Access with Registration
The right to view and/or download material without financial barriers but users are required to register or experience some other low-barrier to use.
Limited Free Access
Some material is available for viewing and/or downloading but most material tends to be accessible through other means.
Available for Purchase
The right to view, keep, and/or download material upon payment of a one-time fee.
Available by Subscription
The right to view and/or download material, often for a set period of time, by way of a financial agreement between rights holders and authorized users.
Usage Rights
Attribution ( retained for older resources)
Attribution - Share-Alike ( retained for older resources)
Attribution - Non-Commercial ( retained for older resources)
Attribution - No Derivatives ( retained for older resources)
Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike ( retained for older resources)
Attribution - Non-Commercial - No Derivatives ( retained for older resources)
Public Domain or
Custom Licensing
User-selected Licensing. This should be a URL that links to the appropriate Usage Rights for the Resource.
Rights Unknown
Catch-all for when it's not possible to determine what license, if any, is relevant.
K-12 Subject
Career Development
English Language Arts
Physical Education
Social Studies
World Languages
End User
A district or school level person of authority and responsibility.
Adult Learner
General Public
The Public at large.
Job Seeker
Laid Off Worker
Mature Worker
Someone who advises, trains, supports, and/or guides.
Parent or Guardian
A parent or legal guardian.
Person with a Disability
Someone already practicing a profession; an industry partner, or professional development trainer.
Re-Entry Person
The Learner.
Teacher/Education Specialist
A certified person directly involved with student instruction.
Workforce and Education Partner
Resource Type
Blended Learning
Career Information
ISLE: A resource that focuses on a specific career or career pathway.
NSDL: Resource describing specific science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) information and/or insight into STEM careers and requisite skills.
NSDL: A set of teaching materials (generally for instructors) or learning materials (generally for students) intended to achieve a range of objectives over an extended period of time.
ISLE: A Heirarchical representation of a learning curriculum.
NSDL: Imitative representation of a system, process, photo, setting, or principle.
NSDL: An interactive environment in which participants compete, strategize, play, role-play, troubleshoot, or make decisions in order to learn a subject or skill.
NSDL: Visual material that is not in motion and is not intended to annotate pieces of text (use for: poster, digital image of a painting or print).
Lab Material
Compact Oxford English Dictionary: A scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact.
Learning Task
ISLE: A modular unit of learning that can be applied at one or more levels of educational scope.
Learning Curriculum Map
ISLE: Visual representation of modules or steps required to attain mastery of a particular concept, subject, field of study, or steps required to achieve certification for a career or career function.
ISLE: Resource that provides tools or templates for creating visual or tactile representations of a process or concept.
Primary Source
ISLE: The primary source of information for a given topic.
Reading Material
ISLE: Any textual representation of information.
Reference Material
ISLE: Any source of information useful for referencing pieces of information (e.g., a dictionary, encyclopedia, or wiki)
Rubric/Scoring Guide
NSDL: Statements describing the abilities, knowledge, or understanding of a content area in order to reach a certain level of mastery.
iLumina: Plan showing the structure of a particular course, which may include course description and objectives, grading policy, materials, assignments, lesson sequence, and course calendar.
NSDL: A set of teaching materials, generally for instructors, or alternatively learning materials, generally for students, intended to achieve specific and focused objectives over a limited period of time such that units often constitute.
Alternate Assessment
RTTT Assessment subtype.
Assessment Item
A single assessment item.
Formative Assessment
RTTT Assessment subtype.
Interim/Summative Assessment
RTTT Assessment subtype.
Self Assessment
RTTT Assessment subtype.
ISLE: Any resources not found within this list.
Media Type
Any computer program, such as office software, web-based tools, video games, or other interactive electronic media.
A compressed file that contains other files.
Any audio files, such as sound clips, music, narration, audio books, etc.
Any of a wide range of text, ranging from small text files to whole textbooks and beyond.
Any image file.
Interactive Whiteboard
Any interactive system that functions as a digital or semi-digital whiteboard or chalkboard, typically used to combine physical writing or marking with digital content.
Any non-digital resource, such as books or magazines. Also used to indicate a Non-Digital version of another Format on this list.
Any other Format not found on this list.
Adobe PDF file.
Sequentially-presented text and/or graphics; a slideshow.
A grid-based document used to represent information in a structured way.
Any video file.
An HTML-encoded document or linked series of documents, usually accessed on the Internet.
Educational Use
Material(s) used to assess.
Curriculum and Instruction
Material(s) used to teach students.
Professional Development
Material(s) used to teach teachers & professionals.
A resource used to teach a high-performing student.
A resource used to teach a low-performing student.
Grade Level
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 8
Grades 9-10
Grades 11-12
Adult Education
NSDL: An educational level indicating a resource represents informal educational programming designed for a general audience, of diverse ages (adults or adults with children) and knowledge levels.
NRS 1 - Beginning Adult Basic Education Literacy
NRS 2 - Beginning Basic Education
NRS 3 - Low Intermediate Basic Education
NRS 4 - High Intermediate Basic Education
NRS 5 - Low Adult Secondary Education
NRS 6 - High Adult Secondary Education
Resources that address a specific skill set for a technical field.
Any courses designed for an adult (post high school level).
Career Cluster
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Development, production, processing, distribution, of agricultural commodities and resources including food, fiber, wood products, natural resources, horticulture, and other plant and animal products/resources.
Architecture and Construction
Designing, planning, managing, building, and maintaining the built environment including the use of green technologies.
Arts, A/V Technology and Communications
Business, Management and Administration
Education and Training
Developing, planning and managing the production of energy including renewable energy and clean coal technology and its distribution through smart grid technologies.
Securities and investments, business finance, accounting, insurance, and banking services.
Government and Public Administration
Green Economy Sectors
Health Science
Planning, managing and providing therapeutic, diagnostic, health informatics, and support services as well as biomedical research and development.
Hospitality and Tourism
Human Services
Information Technology
Designing, developing, managing, supporting and integrating hardware and software systems.
Law, Public Safety and Security
Product and process development and managing and performing the processing of materials into intermediate or final products and related support activities.
Marketing, Sales and Service
Research and Development
Scientific research and professional and technical services including laboratory and testing services, and research and development services.
Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
Planning, management and movement of people, materials and goods across all transportation modes as well as maintaining and improving transportation technologies.
Group Type
Group Large (6+ Members)
Group Small (3-5 Members)
Multiple Class
Accessibility Control
Full Keyboard Control
Full Mouse Control
Full Switch Control
Full Touch Control
Full Video Control
Full Voice Control
Accessibility Feature
Alternative Text
Audio Description
Display Transformability
Display Transformability - Background Color
Display Transformability - Color
Display Transformability - Font Family
Display Transformability - Font Size
Display Transformability - Line Height
Display Transformability - Word Spacing
High Contrast Audio
High Contrast Audio - No Background
High Contrast Audio - Reduced Background
High Contrast Audio - Switchable Background
High Contrast Display
Large Print
Long Description
Print Page Numbers
Reading Order
Sign Language
Structural Navigation
Table of Contents
Tactile Graphic
Tactile Object
Tagged PDF
Timing Control
Accessibility Hazard
Motion Simulation
No Flashing
No Motion Simulation
No Sound

LRMI Schema Extensions

The following extensions to the LRMI schema are required to handle ISLE needs:

Metadata tag: "description"
Adequately expressed in as "description" - a part of "Thing" which is the most generic type of item.
Also present in LAR, LOM, NSDL_DC, and Dublin Core.
Free-text to describe a Resource
Group Type
Metadata tag: "groupType"
Not in, NSDL_DC, or LAR.
Defines the intended size of the group for which a Resource is meant
Access Rights
Metadata tag: "accessRestrictions"
Not in
borrowed from NSDL/LAR (LAR calls it "accessRestrictions" while NSDL_DC calls it "accessRights"). Different from Usage Rights.
Defines the cost/requirements associated with accessing a Resource
NSDL_DC Definition: Information describing conditions or requirements for viewing and/or downloading the material.
LAR Definition: Information about a user's access to a resource in regards to conditions or regulations imposed by the rights owner.
NSDL_DC and LAR use the same controlled vocabulary with one exception: NSDL has "Free Access with Registration" while LAR has "Free Access with User Action" - These are nearly identical with LAR having the broader definition.
Instructions & Equipment Requirements
Metadata tag: "requires"
ISLE Extension
"dct:requires" is a part of NSDL_DC and Dublin Core,.
Not a part of LAR or
Free-text to describe any equipment, hardware, instructions, materials, etc., necessary to use a Resource
Career Clusters
Metadata tag: "careerCluster" with properties for "country" and "region" (e.g., <careerCluster country="US" region="IL">[a given cluster name]</careerCluster>)
ISLE Extension
Not a part of Dublin Core, NSDL_DC, LOM, LRMI, LAR, or
ISLE's focus is not solely K-12; the Career Cluster tag will be used with the STEM fields and other high-demand occupational fields for adults/professionals
The career cluster "Energy" is a career cluster local to Illinois; ISLE will be publishing this as a local rather than a Federal career cluster.
Federal career clusters will be published with a "Country" attribute of "US" and will lack a "Region" attribute. Local career clusters are published with a "Country" attribute of "US" and a "Region" attribute of "IL". ISLE will use USPS abbreviations for regions, so a career cluster local to Puerto Rico would be published with a "Country" attribute of "US" and a "Region" attribute of "PR", because Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth of the US.
ISLE understands all 16 Federal career clusters + one local cluster, "Energy".