

Students will understand how teams are used in the workplace and those skills that will make them effective team members.

Creator: Unknown
Publisher: Unknown
Created on: 5/31/2017

11 Tags


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12 Learning Standards

Aligns to IL.SED.1A.2b (Major alignment)
Describe and demonstrate ways to express emotions in a socially acceptable manner.

Alignment of the Resource to this Standard

IOER Community Rating: Not Rated

Aligns to IL.SED.1B.3a (Major alignment)
Analyze how personal qualities influence choices and successes.

Alignment of the Resource to this Standard

IOER Community Rating: Not Rated

Aligns to IL.SED.1C.2a (Major alignment)
Describe the steps in setting and working toward goal achievement.

Alignment of the Resource to this Standard

IOER Community Rating: Not Rated

Aligns to IL.SED.2A.2a (Major alignment)
Identify verbal, physical, and situational cues that indicate how others may feel.

Alignment of the Resource to this Standard

IOER Community Rating: Not Rated

Aligns to IL.SED.2A.2b (Major alignment)
Describe the expressed feelings and perspectives of others.

Alignment of the Resource to this Standard

IOER Community Rating: Not Rated

Aligns to IL.SED.2A.3b (Major alignment)
Analyze how one's behavior may affect others.

Alignment of the Resource to this Standard

IOER Community Rating: Not Rated

Aligns to IL.SED.2B.2b (Major alignment)
Demonstrate how to work effectively with those who are different from oneself.

Alignment of the Resource to this Standard

IOER Community Rating: Not Rated

Aligns to IL.SED.2C.2b (Major alignment)
Analyze ways to work effectively in groups.

Alignment of the Resource to this Standard

IOER Community Rating: Not Rated

Aligns to IL.SED.2C.3b
Demonstrate cooperation and teamwork to promote group effectiveness.

Alignment of the Resource to this Standard

IOER Community Rating: Not Rated

Aligns to IL.SED.3A.2a (Major alignment)
Demonstrate the ability to respect the rights of self and others.

Alignment of the Resource to this Standard

IOER Community Rating: Not Rated

Aligns to IL.SED.3B.2a (Major alignment)
Identify and apply the steps of systematic decision making.

Alignment of the Resource to this Standard

IOER Community Rating: Not Rated

Aligns to IL.SED.3B.2b (Major alignment)
Generate alternative solutions and evaluate their consequences for a range of academic and social situations.

Alignment of the Resource to this Standard

IOER Community Rating: Not Rated

9 Keywords

Career Development entrepreneurship entrepreneur communication Physical Education and Health organization problem-solving teamwork soft skills
#CareerDevelopment #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur #communication #PhysicalEducationandHealth #organization #problem-solving #teamwork #softskills

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