This website was created by the Courtauld Institute of Art, a British institute created for the study of Western art. The website is "designed to be explored," and with over 40,000 images and a network of over 500,000 links, there's a great deal to explore. Because of the vast amount of content, visitors might find it helpful to first check out the link at the bottom of the page, entitled "About A&A". From there, click on the "How to Use the Art & Architecture Web Site". This extremely useful link has over a dozen categories of instruction, from "Basics" to "Search Tips" to "Profile and Preferences". The "Quizzes, Polls and Discussions" section on the left hand side of the page is a clever section with quizzes, such as those on the value of watercolors and polls. On the right hand side of the page the "Stories" area contains transcripts of fascinating interviews with artists and architects.