Color Poem Examples


This printable teacher resource accompanies the ReadWriteThink lesson titled "Color PoemsUsing the Five Senses to Guide Prewriting" In this lesson students are asked to think about colors while imagining what they taste feel smell sound and look like and then use their five senses as a prewriting tool to guide their poetry writing This sheet provides examples of color poems that teachers can share with students

Submitter: MORE
Last Updated: 1/30/2013

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accompanies Describe imagining W.GN.04.02 - write poetry based on\nreading a wide variety of\ngrade-appropriate poetry. Reading alliteration feel look W.02.3. Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, RL.02.4. Describe how words and phrases (e.g., regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) "color colors guide W.03.3 d. Provide a sense of closure. W.04.3e. Provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences or events. beats Grammar lesson W.GN.03.02 - write poetry based on\nreading a wide variety of\ngrade-appropriate poetry. based Grade phrases Writing and Grammar color grade-appropriate narratives W.03.3d. Provide a sense of closure. approximate examples lines W.05.3e. Provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences or events. W.GN.02.02 - approximate poetry based\non reading a wide variety of\ngrade-appropriate poetry. asked five meaning W.03-05.3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective techni 3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, des
#accompanies #Describe #imagining #W.GN.04.02-writepoetrybasedon\nreadingawidevarietyof\ngrade-appropriatepoetry. #Reading #alliteration #feel #look #W.02.3.Writenarrativesinwhichtheyrecountawell-elaboratedeventorshortsequenceofevents, #RL.02.4.Describehowwordsandphrases(e.g.,regularbeats,alliteration,rhymes,repeatedlines) #&034;color #colors #guide #W.03.3d.Provideasenseofclosure. #W.04.3e.Provideaconclusionthatfollowsfromthenarratedexperiencesorevents. #beats #Grammar #lesson #W.GN.03.02-writepoetrybasedon\nreadingawidevarietyof\ngrade-appropriatepoetry. #based #Grade #phrases #WritingandGrammar #color #grade-appropriate #narratives #W.03.3d.Provideasenseofclosure. #approximate #examples #lines #W.05.3e.Provideaconclusionthatfollowsfromthenarratedexperiencesorevents. #W.GN.02.02-approximatepoetrybased\nonreadingawidevarietyof\ngrade-appropriatepoetry. #asked #five #meaning #W.03-05.3.Writenarrativestodeveloprealorimaginedexperiencesoreventsusingeffectivetechni #3.Writenarrativestodeveloprealorimaginedexperiencesoreventsusingeffectivetechnique,des

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