High School Internship Resources


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Resources for Developing High-Quality HS Internships

Creating a high school internship program can be an intimidating process. The Illinois 60 by 25 network has collected a set of resources to help schools and employers understand the elements of successful programs, as well as provide examples of job descriptions that may be useful in establishing internships or work-based learning opportunities for youth.

General Resources

The resources included on this page include reports outlining basic structural elements of high school internship programs, as well as challenges and myths surrounding such initiatives.

Job Descriptions

Attached to this page are also sample job descriptions to give schools and employers an idea of what to expect from high school interns.

Related Resources

District 214 High School Internship Program Resources
This IOER resource page contains the resources and forms developed by District 214 for their successful high school internship program.
IT Learning Exchange Work-Based Learning Resources
This IOER resource site contains resources for employer engagement and structuring work-based learning opportunities that have been developed by the IT Learning Exchange as part of the Illinois Pathways STEM Learning Exchanges.

Downloadable Files

Conexus Interns Framework (Manufacturing)
The Conexus Interns Program is an advanced manufacturing and logistics (AML) high school internship program in Indiana that is fully compliant with state and federal insurance and labor laws. This program uses an industry-driven framework with the goal of converting current advanced manufacturing and logistics students to employees or post-secondary students in the AML field.
Early College STEM Schools Employer Guide
This document provides an overview of ECSS internship programs and requirements, as well as job descriptions and useful internship evaluation forms.
Employer Guide to Structuring a Successful Internship Program
This report from BRIDGE Rhode Island outlines several elements of successful high school internship programs, including learning goals, how to effectively structure the program, consideration of benefits structures, sample evaluation forms, and sample job descriptions.
Not As Hard As You Think: Engaging High School Students in Work-Based Learning
A report by Jobs For the Future (JFF) outlining the value high school work-based learning activities, as well as clarifying myths around challenges therein.
Sample Internship Descriptions (Health Science)
These sample job descriptions include a variety of health science internships high school interns could complete, from pathology to nursing.
Sample Internship Descriptions (Information Technology)
These sample job descriptions include a variety of roles high school interns can play in an IT department, from help desk support to data and quality assurance.
Sample Internship Descriptions (Manufacturing)
These sample job descriptions include a variety of roles high school interns can play in a manufacturing company, from quality assurance to production support.

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Emily Rusca
IOER Member

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Last Updated

2/25/2016 3:47:06 PM